Sunday, August 29, 2010

Black Bean Burger Wraps and "Chikin" Salad

I meant to write this blog about a week ago now, but I just kept putting it off!

Food makes me very happy, it's pretty simple. When I ditched the crap and decided to go full fledged vegan, about six weeks ago, I was honestly prepared to not have many options. But I've found the opposite is true. My diet has never been so diverse, colorful, and delicious! With all the egg recalls and problems with e. coli hanging out in so much meat lately, I'd highly recommend giving the whole vegan thing a try. May I also mention that eating vegan cookie dough is absolutely acceptable and safe? Just thought I'd throw that in there.

One of my favorite ways to start my morning is with hot cereal. It's really easy to make, very filling, full of fiber, and just a good start for the day. I prefer to use the Bob's Red Mill 7 grain hot cereal. And if I can get away with throwing fruit into any meal, I'll do it.

The black bean burgers from the Veganomicon cookbook were so good I was actually relieved to be the only person wanting to eat them. More deliciousness for me! I sliced one of the leftover burgers into strips and rolled it up in a whole wheat spinach tortilla with tomato, avocado, lettuce, onion, and some salsa. Aren't leftovers awesome?
(answer: Yes. Yes they are.)

Last, but definitely not least, the "Chikin" salad. One of my favorite things to eat in my pre-vegetarian days was chicken salad sandwiches. And on this particular day I had a very random craving for chicken salad... So I made some! Vegan style! Chopped up apple, grapes, onion, celery, and faux chikin all mixed together with some veganaise! I love simplicity. I put a couple spoonfuls of my little mixture on a piece of toast with some lettuce and tomato. Yum!
I really like to keep everything in my life simple, and that includes the things I eat. I like to be able to throw something delicious, and healthy, together quickly without any extra hassle. I do actually love spending time in my kitchen. I love baking and cooking. I just really, really hate cleaning up afterwards.

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