Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Love You Like a Fat Kid Loves Cake. [[Cupcakes]]

In this case, I'm the fat kid... or the "not-really-as-fat-anymore-and-quickly-becoming-not-fat-at-all" kid. But regardless of labels, I love cake. And I love you!! So what if you might be a creepy dude with a killer 'stache. I still love you. But mostly, I love cake. Cupcakes. Cakes you bake in cups. I've never made vegan cupcakes before so I quickly googled a recipe and went at it. I added too much vanilla to both the cake batter and the frosting, so it's a little on the overwhelming side but they're really still pretty good. And whole wheat. And vegan! It's a win situation any way you look at it, really. I believe the recipe was from "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" but a good cupcake recipe is easy to find if you use that trusty google machine! Another option is to vegan-ify an omni style recipe by using replacements for the non-vegan items. Voila! Cupcakes!

Work it out!
Today was my first Saturday Challenge work-out: 26 miles as fast as you can. I came up with it to see what it was like to 1. set and accomplish a fitness goal and 2. see what it's like to finish a marathon length work out. I only have my stationary bike right now, but that's good enough for me! It gets my heart pumping and my legs working.
My stats were: 26.03 miles, 87:45 minutes, and 485 calories burned
Talk about working it out!
I can't figure out how to get the proof picture uploaded from my cellular device so you'll just have to take my word that I did it.

Baking playlist:
The entire Dookie album- Green Day

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